The CRRU has enjoyed a wide range of partnerships/collaborations over the past 25 years, including long-term relationships with many of the following organisations/institutions:
Ongoing studies with the Universities of Aberdeen, St. Andrews, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Dublin, Whale & Dolphin Conservation Society and Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust
Collaboration with the Scottish Marine Animals Strandings Scheme with incidental cetacean strandings in Scotland
MPhil, MRes and PhD studentships co-supervised in collaboration with the Universities of Exeter, Bangor, Aberdeen, Leeds, Heriot-Watt, Strathclyde, Southampton, London, Portsmouth, St Andrews, Herriot-Watt and Nottingham
Members of the UK Marine Animal Rescue Coalition (MARC), providing specialist training and advice for other marine mammal rescue organisations in the UK and elsewhere in the world
Radio-tracking studies with the Whale Museum of Madeira (Portugal), Cascadia Research Collective (Canada) and Wildlife Computers (USA)
Collaborators in 2022/23:
Universities: Exeter, Aberdeen, Heriot Watt
UK NGO's: Whale & Dolphin Conservation Society, Hebridean Whale & Dolphin Trust, IFAW, Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), Sea Watch Foundation, British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) and Scottish SPCA
International NGO's: Project Rugvin, Cascadia Research Collective
Others: SMASS, HM Coastguard, Scottish Creel Fishermen's Federation, Dutch Maritime Productions, BBC Natural History Unit