There are a multitude of ways in which you can support the CRRU charity with its valuable work. In addition to becoming a member, or perhaps enrolling on one of our summer field expeditions, we also want to hear about your sightings (which can now be submitted to us on-line HERE), support you with your fundraising ideas and events, and facilitate your offers of voluntary help with office, administrative or rescue work.
As a small charity, with no salaried staff and low operational overheads, every penny donated to CRRU directly supports the marine research, rescue and educational work of the charity. And as UK tax-payer, the government will add a further 28% in Gift Aid to your donation if you complete a Gift Aid declaration form.
Furthermore, a legacy bequest to CRRU could provide a life-line for the charity's future, ensuring the causes you believe in is provided for in the years to come.

We are here to help you help us, in our dedicated efforts for the welfare, conservation and protection of our marine wildlife and the ocean environment. So if you have any ideas, offers of help, donations of equipment, funds, or your time, we would love to hear from you, Please get in touch with the team at [email protected].