For just £2.50 a month (or £25 a year), you can become a "Friend of CRRU" and directly support the vital work of the charity in the following areas:

Monitoring the status and ecology of small cetaceans in the coastal whales of NE Scotland
Determining the distribution and population dynamics of the cetacean species in these waters
Investigating environmental and anthropogenic impacts on these animals in the North Sea
Investigating the causes of cetacean strandings in Scottish waters
Contributing to the development and implementation of conservation strategies and the designation of marine protected areas for these animals
Providing academic training and research placements for university students and opportunities for contributing Citizen Scientists
Provision of a 24-hour rescue service for sick, injured and live-stranded whales and dolphins in Scotland
Training courses in first aid administration, rescue techniques and rehabilitation procedures for marine mammals for interns, university students and members of the public
Publication of material advising members of the public what to do if they find a sick or injured marine mammal (via leaflets, the website, the media and published National Strandings Posters)
Representation within the Marine Animal Rescue Coalition
Acting as a liaison group for other animal welfare bodies working in this field in Scotland
Facilitating rescue workshops / simulations at public shows / educational displays throughout the country
Supporting media work with TV channels, national radio and the national press
Oil contingency planning work and mitigation during oil spills
Educational school visits (primarily within the local and wider community)
Providing talks and seminars for the general public (local and national)
Displays and exhibitions at public shows throughout Scotland
Marine educational workshops and displays across the country - with international audiences and collaboration
Educational work with children's TV programmes (Blue Peter, Really Wild Show, Newsround)
Maintenance of educational website resources and campaign work.
As a Friend of CRRU, you will receive an exclusive Friend's goodie pack.
Please join us today and support our marine conservation work in action in Scotland - become a part of our international network of friends.
For postal applications, please complete the following membership form.